Doppler Test

What Is Colour Doppler ?

A Doppler ultrasound is a noninvasive diagnostic test that assesses blood flow within your blood vessels by utilizing high-frequency sound waves (ultrasound) that bounce off moving red blood cells. Unlike a standard ultrasound, which creates images using sound waves but cannot visualize blood flow, a Doppler ultrasound provides valuable insights into circulation dynamics.

In contrast to a standard ultrasound, which primarily generates static images of internal structures, Doppler ultrasound goes a step further by providing dynamic information about blood flow.

When Would You Need To Do Doppler Test?

Poorly functioning valves in your leg veins, which can cause blood or other fluids to pool in your legs (venous insufficiency)

Blood clots

Heart valve defects and congenital heart disease

A blocked artery (arterial occlusion)

Decreased blood circulation into your legs (peripheral artery disease)

Bulging arteries (aneurysms)

Narrowing of an artery, such as in your neck (carotid artery stenosis)

What Should You Expect During Doppler Test?

You will be made to lie on your back, gel will be rubbed on the area to be tested. This helps the sound waves travel and gives you better results. 

Then a small microphone-like device is pressed on your skin. 

As they move the device around, it sends sound waves into your body. The waves bounce off your blood cells, organs, and other body parts, then back to the device. You may feel some pressre from the device, but unless you have tenderness, it won’t hurt. 

A computer takes all the sound waves and turns them into moving images that you can see live on a screen. The gel is wiped after the test.  It usually takes about 30 to 60 minutes. 

You can get results from a Doppler ultrasound very quickly.  

This test is very safe, painless, and doesn’t use radiation hence can be used safely in pregnant ladies and kids. 

How Can You Prepare For Doppler Test?

Generally, loose fitting clothes are advised to be worn, though your doctor may ask you to change into a gown. Also, accessories like jewellery will have to be removed from the area to be tested.  

For a Doppler ultrasound on your belly, your doctor may ask you to stay empty stomach for 6 to 12 hours before the test. You can drink a small amount of water to take your regular medicines. 

For women getting a pelvic Doppler ultrasound, you’ll have to drink 1 liter of water 1 hour prior to the test. You need to have a full bladder for the test to be effective. 

By When Can You Expect Your Reports?

Within 30-60 minutes.







Frequently Asked Questions

Why is a Doppler test performed?

Doppler tests are performed to diagnose and monitor various medical conditions, including vascular diseases, deep vein thrombosis (DVT), circulation problems, and heart conditions. They help healthcare professionals assess the health and functionality of blood vessels.

Do I need to prepare for a Doppler test?

Preparation for a Doppler test is usually minimal. Your healthcare provider may advise you to wear comfortable clothing and may ask about any relevant medical history or medications you are taking. Follow any specific instructions provided by your healthcare team.

Are there any risks associated with Doppler tests?

Doppler tests are considered very safe and do not involve the use of radiation. They are noninvasive and generally have minimal associated risks. However, it’s essential to discuss any concerns or potential allergies with your healthcare provider before the procedure.